Below is the form to complete for competitors to register for the 2025 Trinity Invitational, as well as purchase spectator ticket bands and order boards for the breaking competition. Below you will find a link to the rules for the competition. For more information or questions about this event please visit or email [email protected]

Click HERE to read the rules for this event.

Doors Open at 8:15AM. Competition will begin at 9:00AM.
An Exact Schedule for Division Times Will Be Sent Out One Week Prior to the Event

Tournament Registration

  • This allows for entry of one competitor into the competition and includes access to all 4 areas of competition (forms, weapons, breaking, sparring) which you can specify below. Price increases by $10 starting 3/15. Registration Due by 3/29.

Please select below which divisions this competitor will be competing. The ability to compete in all four divisions (if you so choose) is included with your registration. 

Black Belts: Please note that Grand Champion will be decided by cumulative points based on the number of times you place, so all black belts are encouraged to compete in all four events (Read rules for more details).

Spectators Tickets

Spectator ticket bands are $5 per person and required for any person age 13 or over, who is not a competitor or staff member at the event. Please choose the number of spectator bands you will need to purchase for the day of the event. If you are unsure, additional bands will be available to purchase the day of the event (cash only).

Breaking Boards

Please order the number of wood breaking boards you will need for the competition using the drop down menu below. Boards are $3.00 each and are available in both 3/8" and 1" sizes. Please read the rules (see the link at the top of the page) regarding how breaking is to be performed and scored. We will have some boards available for purchase the day of the event, but ordering them here is the best way to guarantee you get what you need.

Personal Info

A signed waiver by event participant or parent/guardian will be required before you can download your QR code. A link to obtain waivers for all registrants will be shown on the confirmation page.


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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